5B10  Electric Field

5B10.10 Hair on End
5B10.15 Van de Graaff with Streamers
5B10.25 Van de Graaff and Confetti
5B10.26 Electrostatic Pompom
5B10.29 Deflect Electron Beam with High Voltage
5B10.30 Electrostatic Ping Pong Ball
5B10.39 Pith Ball Between Plates
5B10.40 Nakamura Electrostatic Field Apparatus
5B10.50 E-Field of a Line of Charge
5B10.51 Plotting Equipotential Lines
5B10.59 Van de Graaff and Fluorescent Lamp
5B10.70 Model of Field Potential
5B10.75 Gauss Models
5B10.76 Electric Field Lines
5B10.77 Visualizing Field Lines from Point Charge and/or Gaussian Sphere

5B20  Gauss' Law

5B20.10 Faraday's Ice Pail
5B20.12 Faraday's Ice Pail - Induction
5B20.15 Faraday's Ice Pail on Electroscope
5B20.30 Faraday Cage
5B20.34 Faraday Shield

5B30  Electrostatic Potential

5B30.15 Corona Discharge from a Point
5B30.30 Lightning Rod
5B30.40 Electric Wind
5B30.44 Corona Current
5B30.50 Pinwheel